and what an awesome one it is!! I could hardly restrain myself from ripping open these gorgeous packages to arranged them artistically to photograph them!! Besides the awesomely and beautifully constructed apron (by the way, I now don't NEED to buy this fabric line!!) Nadine included a fabulous black boa (and suggested I DON'T fry bacon wearing it!!), a beautiful green glass heart, a drink wrap from the same fabric line, (as was the hand crafted card), green cocktail napkins, a recipe for a pineapple limade drink(yum!) and.......a foam microphone to use while belting out "Dancing Queen'!! How fun it that!! My sister will be so envious--we will use whatever we can get our hands on for this purpose. Eat your heart out, Kim!!!
Thanks again, Nadine (apronvalleyroad.blogspot.com)--you done good! And now, Val your swap is complete!