My eldest got married on the 20th of June in Wasilla at Heaven's Hayfields. The wedding was beautifull. My new daughter in law and her sister did a lot of work to make it lovely--and the guys provided the manpower. My youngest officiated (in Alaska any one can perforn the ceremony) and was best man. They wrote their own vows and when J said his, every auntie in the crowd sniffled and teared!! Mr. and Mrs. Heaven (owners of the place) arranged for them to be driven to the airport from the reception (about 50 miles!!) in this 1959 Rolls Royce. Nice, huh???
you are going to be the best MIL ever! Ü
Oh my you have been busy!!!!! They look beautiful!! A 1959 Rolls Royce is a cool send off!!!
how sweet! I love the name of the place too:-)
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