Monday, June 8, 2009

An unwelcome gift

was discovered by DH. Any guesses as to what it is???
It wasn't there when DH set up the sprinklers this morning and one hour later---voila. A couple of days ago a bear ambled down our property line and left a deposit, now he's back. This was 30 feet from my deck--that's a little too close for comfort!!!


Anonymous said...

Nooo!!! That is way too close for comfort!! Do they sell those huge cans of pepper spray called bear attack up there?!

Jody said...

Jan-we have guns!!! However, we just keep away from them if we know they are there!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not even sure I could sleep well if I knew one had been that close!!

Shawnee said...
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Yarni Gras! said...

that IS too close for comfort...yikes

Turtles In Northern Florida said...

yikes. I know move with me!