Monday, December 17, 2012


is being made.  I'm caught up on Bonnie Hunter's mystery Easy Street, the tree is up and the baking is done. I'm NOT doing any more!  Gifts are bought, and half of them are at their destinations.  Good enough!  Now DH wants to play Wii golf!


Vicki W said...

I am so envoius of your lime green walls! Chris would die if I ever suggested a color like that.

Jane in Cumbria said...

That looks lovely. Wonderful that you are all done. I have still got some baking to do tomorrow....

Yarni Gras! said...

I know it is a bit early but I'm just popping by to wish you and your family a VERY Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and to thank you for visiting me and my little blog in Louisiana.