Oops! Deleted the photo of the blocks I had on the wall ( Making Out with Bob challenge on a quilt list) and they are now down, pinned in order, ready to be sashed. My bad.
Tonight I will be in a quilt class taught by my wonderful boss lady, so a PIG (Project In Grocery bag) will be slaughtered and added to the WIP (Works In Progress) group.
The sun is shining and it was 0 degrees this morning....Oh, Joy!! I love global warming!
17 hours ago
You crack me up Jody global warming!
I also love your phrase "a PIG will be slaughtered", LOL have to remember that one!
Zero? What a heat wave. You must be mowing the lawn in a tank top. lol Looking forward to seeing that slaughtered pig. ;) (that sounds wrong-hehe)
boy howdy! You are one busy lady!!!.I will NOT tell you what our temp was today. Cus I love you :)
I have said the same thing every winter, this year I saw it....It hasnt even felt like winter here...kinda weird.
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