Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I hate winter

and especially now.  As you can see from the photo, the snow came too early.  The deck still has furniture on it and my car still has the summer tires on it.  DH didn't have time to get ready for it before he had to go to work.  The week in Seattle threw everything off and the snow was early and stayed.  Oh, well.  As long as I stay out of ditches and don't slide into anyone (or an intersection!) I'll be happy!


Jane in Cumbria said...

Wow, that's a lot of snow! Not so nice when you're not prepared for it. please take care!

Unknown said...

we got it here too...the first snow is ok and then I just want it to leave me alone and go someplace like Alaska....heehee

Turtles In Northern Florida said...

Ooooooh so sorry :(......Not that I would want it but I know we will still get it.

Anonymous said...

yuck! So far here in SD we're having a wonderful FALL. but winter is coming, i just know it!

Roslyn said...

I hope that they keep your roads cleared so you stay safe! Stay home & make quilts, bust stash,LOL.