Thought I'd better get my December finishes up before May does her checking!! I did two of the purses. The only difference was the button. I needed one as a shop sample and one for me, as I didn't want to wait to use it! Also two pillow cases to go with the quilt Becca quilted for me that's on my bed.
And a photo of me and DH--after Idownloaded the Christmas photos, I realized I had neglected to apply make up, so...so sorry!!!!
Now I believe I'll attach another binding by machine to a customer quilt--did over 400 inches on another one earlier this week while watching (listening ) to movies for two nights. DH is at work, so my chick flicks are out in force!!
You look great to me!! Go Jody on keeping the projects rolling!! Enjoy the chick flick extravaganza!!
love the bags and your natural beauty!!!!
Thank you, ladies--you are too kind!LOL!
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